For Teachers
The kindergarten curriculum builds the foundational knowledge about recycling that students need to become "Guardians of the Environment." As students learn the importance of recycling and how to recycle, they will investigate jobs associated with recycling, participate in hands-on activities, and determine how their future actions can make an impact on the environment.

First Grade
The first grade curriculum enhances the foundational knowledge of recycling by combining experiences with texts from different genres, hands-on investigations, and writing. The unit is designed to help students develop a mindset of being "Thankful Guardians" who recognize the importance of Earth and our stewardship of it.

Second Grade
The second grade curriculum furthers student understanding that materials are made from natural resources that either become waste or are recycled. Students will learn the correct methods of recycling, and through an upcycling project will develop an awareness of their roles in making a positive contribution to their communities.

High School
The high school curriculum is split into three courses where students encounter environmental issues in high school: Marine Science, Environmental Science, and Biology 1. The lessons are intended to replace, not add to, existing curriculum and resources. Teachers can easily "swap out" these lessons without losing instructional flow. The Biology lessons are intentionally shorter, allowing teachers to choose one, two, or all three depending on their classroom needs and to remain cognizant of the End of Course assessment.